Information about Training and Lesson Programs
Have fun with us:

We have always been known as the "fun barn". And we have enjoyed that "distinction". We like to encourage
people to do a lot more with their horses than merely go around in an arena.
We believe that exposure
to other things makes your horse better for everything - including the Show Ring. For example, after riding out
on the trail there is nothing scary left about an arena. When a horse is exposed to many different types of footings
they learn to travel in a cadenced rhythmic motion over any type of ground. This is great because the horse is able
to excel in any Arena, whereas other Show Horses fall apart. Further, activities such as Trail offer relaxation time
and a "brain break" from the mundane arena - for horse and rider.

We created the boarding center based on our experiences. And later, when we wanted a more formal
approach to be taken by the various independent trainers who were coming to Club, we fostered the
idea of a riding school based upon goals with fun rewards. Natural progression led to friends going in
groups as Riding Teams. Boarders at the Club were very instrumental in this as they showed Spirit for
their barn. Many did not even take lessons. But riding in groups is so much fun. As the Club continued
to grow, emphasis remained on learning in a laid back atmosphere with fun challenges and goals.


Many show barns keep their horses stalled all the time. We did not agree with this and so we steered clear from large
scale, high pressure, training barns, unless we agreed with their methods. We also believed in riding our horses besides
just showing in Halter. As a result, we started Showing with a bunch of fun Amateurs. We would go to the CLass A Shows,
in groups, and have a blast! And this is the atmosphere we have always wanted to foster.

We marveled at people who were not allowed to ride their own horses unless it was
in a lesson or in the Show ring! This is not enjoying ownership of your horse.

It is so much fun to go to Shows with folks who are in it for some fun and who
are laid back enough to help each other.
Shows should be fun and not merely
about winning a ribbon. Shows can teach your child about the responsibility of taking
care of their own horse. Kids learn to create a bond with their horse and then their
horse works twice as hard for them. This develops a true partnership between horse
and rider. But most importantly, they realize a little bit of work is fun. This makes Mommy
and Daddy extremely proud. More than just winning a ribbon.

Amateur classes are great because you can win prize money too.


We met many riders who were disenchanted with the Show ring. The show ring should be about more than winning. There
are so many other aspects of it that are just as important. These values need to be stressed and pointed out. Otherwise
you end with merely
a high pressured, nervous environment, where the blue ribbon means everything.

If your interest is to have fun at the Shows, and still be able to hang out on the trail, or take your horse camping, or attend
a CTR or ER, or .... Then come ride with us!

Check out the
Upcoming Events page or to learn more about Lessons, training, or to get more information on joining
please give us a call!

So some weekends we would be Showing and other weekends we
would be doing a trail ride, or camping, or taking horses swimming to
Lake Conroe or....We like all equine activities and think they can
compliment each other.
Why should a Horse Show be about the win? It should be
about personal enjoyment. After all, people do not go run
the Boston Marathon to win! So why do they go do it?... And
this is exactly what kids need to learn. Of course it is icing
on the cake when a win is had and we all get to cheer! And it
is really cool when you beat the Pros!!
DISCIPLINES: Hunter, Dressage, Jumper, Western, Reigning, Trail, Halter, Barrels, Poles, Cross Country

CAMPING EVENTS: Enurance Rides, CTRs (competitive trail rides), Orienteering Events, Trail rides

SHOWS: Hunter/Jumper, Arabian/Half Arabian, Quarter Horse, Paint, Pinto, Appaloosa, Dressage, Reigning, Racking
South Padre with 50 miles
of trails and camping
some of the kids at the
Class A January Jubilee
Barn Manager:
Earlene Lorts
Off: (281) 304-7332